Thursday 23 June 2016


The Bermuda Triangle, as soon as we hear about the name we get scared and have a lot of confusions in the mind and think about mysteries.

The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other well-traveled sections of the ocean. In fact, people navigate the area every day without incident.

The area referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, or Devil’s Triangle, covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida. When Christopher Columbus sailed through the area on his first voyage to the New World, he reported that a great flame of fire (probably a meteor) crashed into the sea one night and that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks later. He also wrote about erratic compass readings, perhaps because at that time a sliver of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic north lined up.

William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest,” which some scholars claim was based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck, may have enhanced the area’s aura of mystery. Nonetheless, reports of unexplained disappearances did not really capture the public’s attention until the 20th century. An especially infamous tragedy occurred in March 1918 when the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese ore onboard, sank somewhere between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay. The Cyclops never sent out an SOS distress call despite being equipped to do so, and an extensive search found no wreckage. “Only God and the sea know what happened to the great ship,” U.S. President Woodrow Wilson later said. In 1941 two of the Cyclops’ sister ships similarly vanished without a trace along nearly the same route.

A pattern allegedly began forming in which vessels traversing the Bermuda Triangle would either disappear or be found abandoned. Then, in December 1945, five Navy bombers carrying 14 men took off from a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, airfield in order to conduct practice bombing runs over some nearby shoals. But with his compasses apparently malfunctioning, the leader of the mission, known as Flight 19, got severely lost. All five planes flew aimlessly until they ran low on fuel and were forced to ditch at sea. That same day, a rescue plane and its 13-man crew also disappeared. After a massive weeks-long search failed to turn up any evidence, the official Navy report declared that it was “as if they had flown to Mars.”

By the time author Vincent Gaddis coined the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” in a 1964 magazine article, additional mysterious accidents had occurred in the area, including three passenger planes that went down despite having just sent “all’s well” messages. Charles Berlitz, whose grandfather founded the Berlitz language schools, stoked the legend even further in 1974 with a sensational bestseller about the legend. Since then, scores of fellow paranormal writers have blamed the triangle’s supposed lethalness on everything from aliens, Atlantis and sea monsters to time warps and reverse gravity fields, whereas more scientifically minded theorists have pointed to magnetic anomalies, waterspouts or huge eruptions of methane gas from the ocean floor.

In all probability, however, there is no single theory that solves the mystery. As one skeptic put it, trying to find a common cause for every Bermuda Triangle disappearance is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for every automobile accident in Arizona. Moreover, although storms, reefs and the Gulf Stream can cause navigational challenges there, maritime insurance leader Lloyd’s of London does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an especially hazardous place. Neither does the U.S. Coast Guard, which says: “In a review of many aircraft and vessel losses in the area over the years, there has been nothing discovered that would indicate that casualties were the result of anything other than physical causes. No extraordinary factors have ever been identified.”


The Bermuda Triangle is not small. In fact, it is quite large and covers an area of 440,000 miles of sea. This is larger than the combined area of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra

The triangle is certainly not fixed and its effect can be experienced outside of the triangle too. 

The disappearances are ascribed to UFO's and alien activity, city of Atlantis lost under the triangle, and various other technical, natural and geographical reasons. 

At least 1000 lives are lost within the last 100 years. On average, 4 aircraft and 20 yachts go missing every year. 

Inside the Bermuda Triangle, US Government has AUTEC (for Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center), which is located on the Andros Island of Bahamas. Here US Navy tests their submarines, sonar and other weapons. However many are of the view that it is more than just the testing center. 

People have experienced electronic fog in the triangle, which can be a Time Travel Tunnel too. Pilot Bruce Gernon claims he lost 28 minutes after flying through a time-warping cloud tunnel. The plane went missing from radars, only to re-emerge in Miami Beach.

The first person to report about Bermuda Triangle was Christopher Columbus. He wrote in his journals that inside the triangle, the ship's compass stopped working and he also saw a fireball in the sky.

Bermuda Triangle is one of the rare places on earth where the compass does not point towards Magnetic North. Instead of that, it point towards true north, which creates confusion and that's why so many ships and planes lost its course in the triangle


Remember the old saying shown to the world in Shiv Puran; Energy need to be transferred to other form. It can be hidden within spiritual powers or leashed in any form of the matter present in the planet. But it cannot be destroyed. That is the dharm of Energy.

What is mystery for today’s materialistic people was never a mystery for ancient Hindus and Vedic Gods. Shree Ram Bhakt Hanuman and his severallilas are cited in various ancient texts; one of the most revered being Ramayan

What is exactly Bermuda Triangle Mystery ?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle (thanks to a famous incident of Chhayagrahi and Shree Ram Bhakt Hanuman, a Rudra Avatar of Lord Shiv), is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. No trace is ever found of these vessels – however huge they might be. The map of Bermuda Triangle defined by various countries differ but one thing that commonly stuns scientists and physicists across the globe is immense grabbing power of Triangle that defies common principles of physics that we teach in schools.

 the incident that we are seeing today in Bermuda Triangle reminisces of the past. If we deny past, ignoring Vedic history then we might never be able to find answers to such mystical powers which are beyond control of human senses or equipments. Imagine a situation wherein the grasping power of Bermuda Traingle suddenly stops do you think our future generations would believe us when we share the incidents with them- if we ourselves get habitual to denying Vedic history. We will fail to convince our next generation about such occurrences. It is better to accept the truth of past scientifically and build the future. The legacy that we define shapes the future of human race. We should never keep religion over Vedic history. Whatever information we have in Vedas are for human race and we should be thankful to Indians and especially Hindus for recording every ancient incident for us, which is pathmaker for all of us even today.

World’s Most Ancient Bermuda Triangle Incident Mentioned in Ramayan

Demoness Simhika did dhyan for thousands of years of Lord Brahma (जगत्-पिता ब्रह्मा – creator of Universes and Planets). Lord Brahma pleased by her bhakti asked about her wish. Chhayagrahi (Simhika) wanted to have controlling powers wherein she could be able to grasp anything towards her. Thereafter, the demoness was bestowed with the boon of grasping any object or being, however powerful it might be, by Lord Brahma. She was famously known Chhayagrahi because she had the mystical power of pulling any object/entity with a glance at the shadow of the object. She had huge body and was capable of swallowing bigger objects that she can easily pull towards her. Due to this, no one dared to travel passing nearby her. When Jambavan (Jamwant) guided Hanuman to cross Indian Ocean then Hanuman started flying over the Indian Ocean to search for Seeta Mata, he felt his speed slowing down, feeling powerless, under immense invisible pressure.

Sundar Kand from Ramayan (which is also proof of existence of Bhagwan Ram) contextualizes the incident to sinking ship.

Sundar Kand Verses 5-1-185
samākṣipto.asmi tarasā pañūkṛtaparākramaḥ |
pratilomena vātena mahānauriva sāgare ||

mahaa nauriva = like a great boat; saagare = in the ocean; pratilomena = (with) opposing; vaatena = wind; asmi = I am becoming; samaakshiptaH = pulled; tarasaa = forcefully; paJNuutaparaakramaH = with disabled power.

“Like a great boat in the ocean with opposing winds, I am being pulled back forcefully, with disabled power.”

Later on seeing here and there, up and down, Lord Hanuman sees floating demoness pulling his shadow towards her. Lord Hanuman killed her by decreasing the size of his massive body and entering her mouth later destroying her internal organs. Hanuman fled with the speed of his thought. (Imagine how fast we think, here Hanuman Ji is taking flight with speed of his thinking). Thinking is faster than speed of light, we might take time to reach moon even with the speed of light, but we can think about moon in milliseconds.

Sundar Kand Verses 5-1-194

tatastasyaa nakhaistiikNairmarmaaNyutkR^itya vaanaraH |
utpapaataatha vegena manaH saMpaatavikramaH || 

tataH= then, vaanaraH= Hanuma, utkR^itya= rending, marmaaNi= internal organs, tasyaaH= of Simhika, tiikshNaiH nakhaiH= with sharp nails, atha= and after that, utpapaata= flew up, manaH sampaata vikramaH vegena= with a speed equal to that of thought.

“Then Hanuman rend her internal organs with His sharp nails and after that flew up with a speed equal to that of thought.”

Another incident that draws attention of readers of Ramayan is when King Ravan is killed.

What Made Ravan Immortal and Powerful ?

Ravan was very intelligent, brave and trilok vijayi (winner of all three lokas). With his dhyan, penance, austerity towards Shiv Shankar, he got several boons which added to his strength making him almost invincible. During his rise, no living god or human being could dare to fight with him. The secret to his massive strength was due to blessings of Lord Shiv. He was also gifted gem (which helped in re-generation of nectar at his navel). This made himamar (immortal) and no one could kill him. It was important that the gem be taken back from him so that nectar from the navel could be soaked to kill him

Hanuman Hiding Powerful Energy of Ravan’s Navel Beneath Ocean

Lord Shiv knew that Mandodari, great wife of Ravan, was aware of the place where Ravan had hidden that mani (मणि-gem). Mandodari was devout wife of Ravan and also devotee of Lord Shiv. Lord Shiv took appearance of a Sage and went to meet Mandodari.  He blessed Mandodari, then Mandodari thought of giving dakshina to Lord Shiv. Lord Shiv in the form of Sage asked for themani (मणि-gem) from Mandodari. No devotee of Lord Shiv could ever say no to the Sage for dakshina. Mandodari knew that secret of mani is only known to Lord Shiv, Ravan and her. She understood that Sage is no one but Lord Shiv himself. She gave the mani to Shiv Shankar as dakshina. She came to know that the Ramlila is about to end with the death of Ravan.

After this incident there was no doubt left that Ravan will be killed easily by Bhagwan Shree Ram.

Lord Ram killed Ravan by firing Arrow of Brahma at the navel of demon king of Sri-Lanka, Ravan. This arrow of Brahma was given to him by Sage Agastya. The arrow of Brahma burst Ravan’s navel, and returned to Ram’s quiver. This made Ravan lifeless and he fell down to the ground, the nectar of immortality soaked from his navel and this led to his death.

The gem was very powerful, after death of Ravan, it became imperative that the gem be placed in a zone that absorb its energy and uncontrollable power. The gem was so powerful that its presence could impact future generations too. Rambhakt Hanuman Ji was giving the task of placing the mani to the depth (core) of the ocean bed, very deep so that its impact could be minimized and diluted. The mani was placed in the deepest core of Ocean of that time which today is known as Bermuda Triangle. The immense grabbing power ofmani is the main reason which pulls down the objects flowing or floating nearby or above Bermuda Triangle zone.

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